Saturday, July 23, 2011

URGENT! What do I feed my baby Zebra Finch, the parents abandoned them!?

Water and finch bird seed is what they need. Perhaps the parents stopped feeding them to get them started eating on their own.

Why W3 validator is not working properly?

I have very urgent website to be done and as client want it to XHTML validated. As only w3 validator (a href="" rel="nofollow" can do it.. but when i upload file, it throws server problem or port issues or bad gateway etc. all rest pages are working fine within website except the validator itself.. plz suggest any remedy or is any other option which can provide me Xhtml validation??? plz help?? its urgent!!

How many deniers support legislating science out of the AGW debate?

At least this is only a resolution, which teachers can ignore, rather than a bill. But obviously politicians should not be taking science out of climate science classes. By the South Dakota Republicans' logic, we should be teaching the Flat Earth theory in schools as well, because we have to teach 'both sides'!

The Sakura was pale and the daffodils grey-ish this year why is the Arrow of Time pointing away from DC?

The spending binge that Obama has glorified Washington D.C. with over the past 2 years has been a boom for the area and the bureaucrats who occupy the vicinity. The slump in the rest of the country belies the fake veneer of this "prosperity". The economic reality that the "arrow of time" points to is the irrelevance of this administration's failed economic policy.

Did the rwandan government bring about the genocide?

Hi, I was thinking about various thesis statements for the genocide in Rwanda, and was wondering if you guys felt this was appropriate; I'm just having troubles what to touch upon as the main points in order to argue and validate this statement.

Do you think America is getting less religious (reposted)?

An article in USA Today gave the following report in March of this year, indicating the America is becoming a less religious nation: "The percentage of people who call themselves in some way Christian has dropped more than 11% in a generation. The faithful have scattered out of their traditional bases: The Bible Belt is less Baptist. The Rust Belt is less Catholic. And everywhere, more people are exploring spiritual frontiers - or falling off the faith map completely." What we have to consider is the possibility that becoming a less religious nation may actually be a good thing... or, at least an opportunity for something good to happen. Some Christians are reacting strongly to the aforementioned statistics and with a public outcry for more legislated morality or declaring the "culture war" between religious conservatives and atheistic liberals in full swing. In such a struggle, it's difficult for the Church to know where to stand. . What do you think?

Is the Bible ever mentioned in the Bible?

It's so amusing how christians self-reference everything according to their book. So is the Bible ever mentioned in the Bible? To validate itself?

Are there any creepy/ abandoned places in northern New Jersey?

I would like to take pictures/ videos of places like these (If that makes me sound like a weird guy, it's probably because I am). I can't really think of any places other than the Jungle Habitat. If someone knows any still standing asylums, that would really help too!

My eyes turn different colors?

My eyes turn to many different colors blue,red,green.yellow etc... I asked the doctor and he said hes never heard of it? My mother abandoned me because she said I was deformed. I need to get rid of this disease or whatever it is!

How do i know if my world of warcraft account has been hacked? or not?

Log on to the site and check your play time history, if you were hacked there would be time added as some point so they could steal all your stuff. Assuming thats all clear, just add some time, log in and enjoy.

Are Christians scared of furure America?

America is becoming much more culturally diverse, more socially liberal, less religious, and more urban. Despite the fact that the Christians are trying to fight to legislate morality before they go down forever, the minorities and other beliefs they attack are gaining more ground. Are you scared or not?

How can I join a fantasy league right now?

I want to join a fantasy baseball league on espn but it seems like every league I check are abandon leagues. Please help..

Do you believe everyone should be able to marry who or those that they love?

no, the Bible says adam an eve not adam an steve, marriage is a sacred institution, would you plug a male end of an extension cord into another male end. no you wouldn't you plug it into a female end of an outlet, that's how you get the electricity. get the pic

Raising a kitten with a 3-year-old child?

As long as she is gentle and calm, it should be fine. I have a young kitten and as long as your not rough with it, it wont be rough with her. I would watch them together for a while first just to observe their behavior together. Other then that, it should be fine.

Help! Abandoned Dog?!!!?

Awe she looks like a pit bull to me. And what you should do is keep the dog in a safe spot in your house. If you have a garage that should be okay because garages are usually a cool temperature when it's hot outside. And if the animal shelter doesn't come soon then I would say keep the dog for a while until you could find a good home for it.

Ok we progressed from monarchy and dictatorship, When will we progress from majority rule?

To civil government which does not legislate according to the majority's moral, religious and everyday norms, but sets a higher standard of secular humanist ethics and imposes them on the ignorant minds of normal citizens. As in this, even the %90 public doesn't want gay marriage, the government would still allow it because it is a right...

Passage of the civil rights act of 1964?

Here you go; a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to study for the NJ Permit test?

I'm about to take my permit test for the first time on June 30. Can anyone help me out and tell me what to study? I've been reading the manual, making flash cards, and doing online practice tests like a crazy woman, but from what i hear, the test is somewhat tricky. Can anyone validate this for me? thanks :)

Are libertarians against the government pushing or legislating social issues?

They must be cowards because they don't speak out against their hero Ron Paul. He's the most anti-choice Congressman of them all, and he claims to be for "liberty". What a joke.

Why would any liberal with an R by his name (Romney) be nominated by any real Conservative?

I'm glad he's doing it this will give somebody like Michelle Bachmann a chance to place themselves right of Romney the RINO.

Sarah's law: should it be brought into effect for sure in the UK?

what are your views on sarah's law? sarah payne who was killed by paedophile roy whiting, the sicko, now in jail. her mum sara has wanted a law to be legislated for years for society to know and be aware of what the homes are of existing sex offenders? i think it would help if society were aware. what are your opinions? im being controversial today, interested to know your views.

How do I trade in MLB 10 the Show for PS2?

I know how to get to the trade menu, (roster control, player movement) but whenever I go to trade it says, "All CPU rosters must be validated". Any help will be appreciated!!!!!!!!

Do you think America is becoming less religious? especially the younger generation?

An article in USA Today gave the following report in March of this year, indicating the America is becoming a less religious nation: "The percentage of people who call themselves in some way Christian has dropped more than 11% in a generation. The faithful have scattered out of their traditional bases: The Bible Belt is less Baptist. The Rust Belt is less Catholic. And everywhere, more people are exploring spiritual frontiers - or falling off the faith map completely." What we have to consider is the possibility that becoming a less religious nation may actually be a good thing... or, at least an opportunity for something good to happen. Some Christians are reacting strongly to the aforementioned statistics and with a public outcry for more legislated morality or declaring the "culture war" between religious conservatives and atheistic liberals in full swing. In such a struggle, it's difficult for the Church to know where to stand. . What do you think?

Does apple cider vinegar help the treatment of feline lower urinary tract disease?

Hi There- My kitty has recently been diagnosed with feline lower urinary tract disease. He's been blocked twice now and been treated, receiving a ton of fluids and special food. We're in the second round of treatment, and I'm trying to find things to do at home to help prevent this from recurring, because if it happens again it's likely it will kill him. I've read that the ACV can help both the treatment and help prevent blockages from happening again, and was wondering if anyone could help me validate this? I've also read that cranberry extract can be beneficial for struvite crystals? Any help would be beneficial.

If you were a perfect God would you NEED people to worship you?

Think about this for a moment. The christian God needs to be worshipped sooo badly that he will resort to sending billions of condemned souls to a lake of fire to be tortured throughout eternity if they do not worship him correctly. I guess he just has a low self esteem and needs our praise in order to validate his feelings of self worth. Christians, your God is a narcissist. He has contradicted himself in a countless number of ways and you brainwashed little sheeple keep defending his actions and your perverted sense of morality with your pathetic arguments. Christians, do you have any loved ones who have died without Jesus and if so than how do you feel about knowing that your loving God is having them tortured in a lake of fire and brimstone forever and ever?

Is valid?

ive seen commercials on tv and i would like to know is it real? i dont want to get hype and find out its some scam type of business. so i would like to know from the people who used the website before. please validate this website

I live in arizona and i have an abandoned car, but the car has a nevada title...?

If the title is in your name, take it to the Arizona DMV, and exchange it for an Arizona one, and register the car. If it is not in your name, but the previous owner signed off on it, then do the same thing.

Explain to me why we should legislate against sin?

Sin is a religious concept which refers to an offense against the sensibilities of a particular deity. If we do not live in a theocracy, why should we legislate religious concepts?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Libs...I'm confused. Do you think it's ok to legislate morality, or no?

It is definitely hypocrisy. There is a huge disconnect for people that cannot see that taxation, ie forcing a person by threat of death to pay money to the state, is not a moral issue.

Has anything changed regarding patient and elderly health care in the UK?

lets just jail their son's and daughters for cruelty to the elderly for abandoning them in their hour of need,spoilt incaring brats

Need an answer, posted and got nothing. Please help! Long description of situation inside.?

i know what your going though is hard and that sometimes you need to make a decision even if it is hard cause you have to do what You have to do to keep your family rite so i would talk to the person that is creating these problems face to face and if that person says no go to her house knock go to places you know that person goes and try to resolve the problem in a non-violent way!i understand things don't go the way as planed but whatever happens on earth happens for a reason and what ever happens is right as long as you keep your head high you will succeedd

Is this a hard life and should i feel the way i do?it is long?

i don't make friends easily because of all biological mom had a heroin addiction and she was an when she had me 16 almost 17 yrs ago my dad got custody of me,and his brother was daing this woman namesd marcia.marcia& my uncle broke up so she asked if she could help raise me since he had no one plus no place to live he said yes.her 2 sons and one daughter were like sibilings,still are.7yrs later marcia introduced my dad to laura her eldest son's ex gf.they hit off and got married when i was 8.we moved,i switched schools.and lost contact with all my friends and my cousin who was in the same grade as me.they had my little sister when i was almost 9.when i was 15 when moved again but i didn't switch schools.that summer my aunt on my bio mom's side of fam contacted my dad saying my 2 sisters wanted to see me so i went and saw mom was completly off of heroin but still drank so she went to rehab.i saw my sister jackie once that i remeber when i was other sister brandi was in prison(been there 3 times=most of my life.)my bro can't seem to stay out of prison but says he would like to meet me.i only know my aunt that got in contact w/ my dad,my bio mom,now brandi and now jackie.we talk sometimes over the phone but my sisters live in hayward so i only see them like every 2 months.i have never felt that i have fit in.i felt like i was abandoned by my bio mom's side of the fam until last summer.i feel like i have control issues because i don't like things to it right or wrong for me to suddenly want to get to know my bio mom's side of the family after not having contact for so long?i have 4 sets families.marcia's,bio mom's side and what is left of my dad's side,and laura's (stepmom) family.i feel like it is impossible to keep track of everything happening.i cannot remember any of my childhood from age it my brain's way of canceling out negative moments at that time?

Does anyone know of any good abandoned buildings in and around Philadelphia that I can shoot models in?

I'm Looking for a good abandoned building that I can shoot female models that is relatively safe. You know relatively safe from loonies and cops, A tall order I know but if anyone has any info let me know. Thanks guys

Libs...I'm confused. Do you think it's ok to legislate morality, or no?

It is definitely hypocrisy. There is a huge disconnect for people that cannot see that taxation, ie forcing a person by threat of death to pay money to the state, is not a moral issue.

Computer problems with wireless network?

I have been trying to get on to the internet with my laptop but recently I have not been able to. I can't get a connection to my home router and when I try to connect it says "Validating Identity" what should I do to fix the problem?

What's wrong with my Sony Vaio?

Whenever I start it up it says that I need to validate something . Then it brings me to and shows me Windows 7 and some other stuff . How do I fix this .

I cant play medal of hornor keeps saying validating online pass is anybody out there is having the same proble?

Any game made by EA requires a online pass now. A new game comes with an online pass. This pass can only be used once. If someone owned your copy before you; chances are the pass has already been used. You'll have to buy an online pass for $10 or buy a brand new copy of your game. EA sucks.

American High School Diploma (Degree) Question ?

yes cite what your american certificates say and quote it. check wikipedia for its equivalent. hi-sch is same as IB, HSC, A levels. they will know the american system

What would be the first think you would say if. . .?

. . . you were a homeless teenager, sleeping inside an abandoned house, and suddenly a teen girl walked in (the homeowner) with a pistol?

In the movie Hanna what was that song when she was in the abandoned amusement park...?

When she met her father's associate in the abandoned amusement park, what song was that when he started dancing to it?

Leftist liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans I think this post clarifies our differences. Agreed?

At some level all of your comparisons are accurate, obviously not universally but I would say this aligns best with the loudest of both sides.

Can you tell me if I am overreacting?

So I am 37wks pregnant with my 3rd child and my mother in law offer to throw me a baby-shower. I did not want to have one, but I said okay anyways. So she put it together and it's tomorrow. Well today she calls my husband and ask who is coming over to clean up. (mind you at 4pm, my husbands at work and we live over an hr away). Im like, why did she wait last minute? and who asks the guest of honor to clean up for the shower you are throwing them? Anyhow, that's not the biggest deal, so today she sends out "last minute" fb invitations and sends one to me. Guess who she invites, my husbands ex girlfriend - and the ex is attending. This makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I'm hormonal and insecure because I feel fat and unattractive. I have always sensed that she doesn't think I'm good enough for her son, this kind of makes my thoughts seem validated. Am I overreacting?

Why are American Christians trying to legislate their beliefs into law,forcing their religion onto all America?

For the same reason that secularist try to force no religion on everyone. Arrogance that their belief is the only proper choice.

If people think abortion and animal rights are wrong because god said so, why not let him come down and say?

becouse he is too busy for small people so he sent me. YAY! Instead of abortion how about, using a condom, birth control, day after pill, get fixed! We really don't need abortion. just sayin... as for animal rights.. no such thing.. unless we all went vegetarian. But then we would be picking a plant that has feelings too !

How do professionals get freebie referrals?

They ask friends, family members, post on facebook, post in coupon groups, post on coupon facebook pages, post in coupon yahoo groups and post on craigslist. I am not saying it is a scam but you might be have trouble getting referrals because others think it is a scam. I hope this helps.

Welsh politics question?

My favorte; source on any country; a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

When will Americans become less religious & more neutral/atheistic?

I'm a Christian and things like this are just all over the place nobody is Christian anymore. As for homosexuality, I don't want to see that, it creeps me out

What is the purpose of legislating morality?

Undermining the values of political opposition and weakening their influence on society and thereby their political power.

Is Sean Kingston dead?

Nope not dead, he's in critical condition from the Jet ski accident. You should check Twitter, it says it all there.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Microsoft office home and student 2010 help?

I have the product key but I think the disk is corrupt so I am not able to use autorum and activate from ten disk. I know there is a link that microsoft has where I can directly enter the product key and validate it and have the program installed. I had to clean my hard drive recently and had saved the link but I cannot remember what it is now. If anyone knows how to get to this link I would be grateful

Can Congress overrule science?

Conservatives and facts hate each other. Why listen to facts when you can go on FOX and make up your own and the sheep will believe it.

Windows Vista Start button not working?

Yes I have a Validated copy of Vista. It came pre installed on my machine. It worked just fine earlier today... then after a few hours I clicked it and nothing. This has never happened before. I tried the start menu button on the keyboard and that worked once but not since. I've googled the answer for this fix but I don't really understand it... Can anyone dumb it down for me? I'd really hate to have to do a system restore when I can't back up my system... Is there another way to fix this?

Why do my fellow Americans stand by and sin by silence in the face of?

Well you may have paid your property but would it be accessible without roads? Do you really think the power company would have bothered to spend $10,000 per pole to string line all the way to your house? Would the water from your well be drinkable if it wasn't for EPA regulations that limit hydro-fracking so you don't have flammable tap water? If you get drunk some night and accidentally set the house on fire would you want a fire truck to show up and try to put it out?

How can I restore my computer to its original factory settings?

Just check ur first restore date which is available. Now laps r coming with a c.d. or s/w which hav those facility in it. If u hav with u, try that.

Modern warfare 2 PC help?

I'm trying to play Modern Warfare 2 on my laptop and I get an error saying "Video card or driver doesn't support UBYTE4N vertex data." My video card is an Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 3150. I've tried updating my drivers and I get another error saying "The driver being installed is not validated for this computer. Please obtain the appropriate driver from the computers manufacturer." My laptop is an acer and I've been on their website and can't find anything about Intel video cards. Please help, I don't want to have wasted money on this game.

What is the best way to validate religious wisdom?

In a few words; you have been had. All of the crap in the bible and all religious writings are carefully crafted for the weaker minds to believe and then to foolishly live by them. The religion leaders do not live by such Bull sheets.

Who else sees through the lie of human evolution as a ploy for animal rights nonsense as though animals matter?

Whoa wait a minute, what about the bird man and lizard man I see on the cartoon network every saturday, you saying .......

Does this now validate the use of torture?

Saw an answer where it said don't be surprised if we see muslims water boarding our troops. This would be a step up for them since what we've seen is them decapitating American citizens with a dull knife. Look, these terrorists aren't subject to the Geneva Convention. They are the lowest filth and scum you can imagine. If torturing them will save American lives, I'm all for it. From what I understand, no enhanced interrogation techniques were used at Guantanamo, but I'd of been in favor of it if it had been.

Is tractatus logico-philosophicus worth reading?

Is the book worth reading seeing how (from what I've heard) Ludwig Wittgenstein kind of abandoned it and promoted his book Philosophical Investigations over it? By the way, I'm not suggesting it's an easy book to read (it's not), though I need to first know if it is a book worth reading before I attempt to read it. Thanks.

Does anyone know if our government will ever try to legislate "mental health laws?"?

And if so, would such a law prevent televangelists, conspiracy theorists, and others from exercising their freedom of speech?

Is owning a dog at 20 a stupid decision?

It's all up to you. After the dog is an adult and trained, you could still have a social life. It's a good decision at 20 if you are willing to care for it and play with it plenty. If you are going to be out for 10 or more hours socializing, its not recommended unless you can drop it off at a friend's house or a dog camp for the day.

Is there a direct link between immigration and rising unemployment levels?

im am from the USA so i can only speak of the cost to our economy ? but we have an estimated 8 million illegals, not to mention the legal immigrants ! the illegals take many jobs, but in truth they are jobs most americans wont work due to low pay,and hard labor. most americans probably wouldn't complain, however they get paid in cash and pay no taxes then send their money home . all the while getting free american health care,food programs, education for their children not to mention the numbers who are incarcerated here on american tax dollars !, and the recent big influx to america of indian IT engineers. my brother is an IT engineer, he used to earn 90,000 yearly . now he makes around 35,000 but he only gets a six month contract, which don't include benefits and the middle easterners open gas stations and food marts, and employ their own people for cash , who once again don't pay taxes ! to be fair a small percentage does get legal work and pay their taxes but its only the few, not the many and because there are so many immigrants willing to work for so little, americans are left to accept the same low pay or starve ! immigration used to be a good thing . the people would come,work a job pay their taxes ,learn english, and assimilate ! most recent immigrants hate americans, and bring their ideology with them i cant give a number, because homeland security keeps it secret. but i do know that a large number of terror cells are arrested every year AMERICA needs to say enough and put a moratorium on not accepting any new immigrants unless they come with a degree, a job, and a W-2 for paying their taxes the time is over when america and the EU could afford immigration ! we need to rescind green cards and passports of immigrants and try to build up the american economy for the american CITIZENS !!!

Beginning of a novel!! need opinions! ten pts!!?

I actually thought it was pretty good until I got to the David Bowie Ipod part. I stopped reading it after that.

Do you support a Ministry of the English Language in Washington D.C.?

Communication experts point to over 200 problems when asked what prevents a general understanding. One such problem is the aesthetic value of words, which means people don't use words if they don't like the way they sound. The Ministry of the English Language arguably should be in the Nation's Capitol. Critics say regulation of words interferes with freedom, but others say it will foster freedom, because better communication is widespread. Do you agree with the idea of legislating our National language? What do you think the function of the ministry should be?

Girls can you please offer some advice to a guy?

I feel I have have been led on by several girls in the recent past. They seem to have enjoyed spending time with me, one girl even asked me to go snowboarding twice with her after we had been surfing and insisted on paying for everything including meals and drinks and driving (a two and a half hour drive each way). I had paid online for lift tickets each time, but still. I do my best to hide my feelings but when I do show them I am left abandoned. Should I devote my life to my career; is life supposed to suck like this?

Should sex be regulated and legislated?

Why is 18 the right age as opposed to 17 or 19. Why is it so much about the number and not about something else? Like love...

Got complaints from players on world of warcraft?

i received a whisper from a intedant(not sure if i spell that right)while playing on world of warcraft. the message said that i got complaints from other players on my account. and that i need to validate my account and to go to this website. and if i dont logg out within an hour i may experience some service interruptions. what do i do??

Why do some Christians claim that atheists have more faith than them?

Does it somehow validate their beliefs in their mind? If they choose religions based on how much faith they have, why would they not believe in an unknowable god?

I've been really sad all day because my Jewish mentor abandoned me?

The entire day I've been feeling like I'm on the verge of tears... like I want to cry, but no tears come out....

Testosterone is what makes a man?

when it comes to idiots, there is no arguing. you can not out smart them because they don't know what your talking about and if you try on their level they just come back with more cause they have been idiots for so long. my advice, walk away or have some big friends that look threatening to make em walk away.

How is it that so many people seem to think that you can legislate morals?

Especially considering the solid evidence to the contrary, such as drug prohibition, which is as successful as '30s alcohol prohibition, which is not at all.

Why do people thinks that job creation can be legislated?

No law or congressional action can force job creation, why can't the loons on the left and the right understand this?

I want to start running to improve my fitness but I am embarrassed.?

I don't think you would feel comfortable running along the abandoned road, there is a reason your parents drilled the 'stranger danger' stuff into you and if you twisted an ankle or something and couldn't walk you might be hard to find. Your dog might be able to keep up with you but consider they have to train to be in condition too. It might be best not to put the dog through that, especially in the summer heat. A miniature poodle can't really protect you. I suggest you run along the highway (facing the traffic) and believe me, when people see a runner, they admire that they go out and run and get exercise, not what you could possibly look like. Good luck!

Do you think Americans are getting less and less religious especially the younger generation?

An article in USA Today gave the following report in March of this year, indicating the America is becoming a less religious nation: "The percentage of people who call themselves in some way Christian has dropped more than 11% in a generation. The faithful have scattered out of their traditional bases: The Bible Belt is less Baptist. The Rust Belt is less Catholic. And everywhere, more people are exploring spiritual frontiers - or falling off the faith map completely." What we have to consider is the possibility that becoming a less religious nation may actually be a good thing... or, at least an opportunity for something good to happen. Some Christians are reacting strongly to the aforementioned statistics and with a public outcry for more legislated morality or declaring the "culture war" between religious conservatives and atheistic liberals in full swing. In such a struggle, it's difficult for the Church to know where to stand. . What do you think?

When one says "I promise" should you trust them?

It depends on the person. Some say I promise as a force of habit; some say it to honestly reassure you because they are being nice; however many will use the phrase deceptively. You would have to think about the person and try and imagine when they would use the phrase "I promise". The thing about trusting someone is that you don't know if it is the right thing to trust them at the time, that's the whole idea of trust. It will help if you tried to get a profile of them, like if they usually say "I promise" when promising honestly, e.t.c. If it is someone who has truly gained your trust like you said don't be hasty to consider the phrase as if they are being deceitful, just try to realise they could just be reassuring you or making it easy for themselves to be trusted because they have honest intentions.

Why are Unions in WI fighting against will of near 2 of 3 voters & against workers choice? Who elected them?

Yep, Republicans are trying to take away a workers right to join a union. Republicans hate Democracy.

Is not making gay marriage unconstitutional (question about religion & constitutionality)?

Why shouldn't Gay people get Married?Why should straight, married couples be the only ones who never have sex, argue incessantly about what to watch on TV and walk around on a daily basis harbouring a deep and bottomless well of resentment pieced together brick by murderous brick over years of real and imagined slights and emotional warfare and wallpaper choices? Hell-I say marry every gay and willing couple off right now. Mark my words-just like the rest of us- within 18 months at least half of them will come running back to court begging to be released from such an endlessly mind- and libido-numbing fate.

Why don't politican's actually listen to real life people about ideas on how to make the country work?

In Economy Weekly, It says here, that the retail industry does 50% of it's business between december 1st, and december 25th... that's half a years Business in 1 months time. That seems to me an Intelligent country would legislate a second such gift given holiday... Create say a Christmas 2.. Late may Early June. To Further stimulate growth. Do you think that would work?

How can feminists legislate social equality?

feminists keep complaining that women are not treated equally "socially" or men "have sexist thoughts about women". I am wondering how feminists can legislate things like this, imprison anyone who has a though they don't agree with?

Why would someone use negative propaganda against a whole group of people?

For the same reason that person blocks everyone who answers their question honestly but disagrees. ∠°)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Can I crate new kitten at night?

I think it is okay as a kitten. When I have a kitten at my house I start out by keeping them in my bathroom at night so I can sleep. but I think as the cat gets older to not to just cause cats tend to not like to be closed up in small places.

Google Groups Broken - nothing updated since June 25, 2011?

Can't find any word from Google, so it's reasonable to assume they don't care about Usenet anymore. Time to get real "newsreader" software and a real Usenet server. People say provides good free Usenet service and I know you can find all sorts of free newsreader software. Myself, I use the inexpensive software and service provided by Forte.

How is trying to legislate morality, taking personal responsibility, and part of "small government"?

So...government shouldn't "legislate morality"?? So, then, there shouldn't be any laws against murder or rape , and everyone should just be guided by their OWN moral compass?

Is it fair to apply logical analysis to relativistic principles?

Many relativists say no, but I do not see why not. If a relativist were to convince me that logic isn’t necessary in examining relativism, he’d have to convince me using logic, which would be self-defeating. If a relativist uses relativism -- the subjective view of his own opinions -- to validate his position, he is using circular reasoning; namely, he is using relativism to establish relativism. So, either way he has lost the argument.

Computer problems with wireless network?

I have been trying to get on to the internet with my laptop but recently I have not been able to. I can't get a connection to my home router and when I try to connect it says "Validating Identity" what should I do to fix the problem? And can you please explain in detailed steps, I'm not good with computers.

How do I take care of a kitten? Please help quickly.?

You will need to get formula for the kitten. They make special formula for kittens that you can buy at animal hospitals for sure and maybe pet stores. The kitten must be fed every two hours. Raising a kitten is a huge commitment! You should get to a vet soon to determine it's age so you will know if it needs milk or solid foods. If it is young, it will need to be kept warm and fed frequently. If it is older, say 6 weeks or so, it may eat solids. If it is trying to suckle, it needs milk. Maybe try giving it water to see if it drinks... Good Luck! Definitely get to a vet soon! Also, surf the web for advice!

Good looking people get treated better? Well, I know this girl...?

Because people can be cruel. Tell her to move on to new, less shallow friends. It doesn't matter what she does, these people will continue to be jerks no matter what.

Has BO again validated the Bush Doctrine by keeping the majority of troops in Afghanistan for years to come?

BO can do anything Bush did and liberals will cheer for him. They really have mastered double-think.

Government and unions, does this about sum it up?

Public sector Unions and Democrats in bed together, but somehow, it is only the tax payers getting screwed.

Should marijuana be legalized/regulated the like tobacco products(which kill people daily and are very legal)?

Of course it should, it would create jobs=more people paying taxes....the government would stop spending billions of $$ trying (and losing=throwing money away) to enforce the the court system and pay for their incarceration. I think our politicians think Reefer Madness is a true movie. At least they act like it.

What's that title of the movie ?

It's when a guy and his partner gets shot and they go into an abandon house then a doctor or nurse comes to help the person who gets shot and then later in the end the main characters life is on repeat and he is Tied down to a bed and wrapped with gauze or something like that ?

Why Did Canada Declare War on Germany in 1939?

Canada still puts the Queen on their money. Theyre like the UKs big dumb lackey and follows them aimlessly.

Anyone looking for a great Xbox clan?

What the hell, I'll try anything once. You can add me, Kakashin10 (that's my gamertag.) I don't have a mic, so I can't talk over Live, and I won't be back online until the weekend is over. So, what games do you guys play?

Is there anything in the constitution that prohibits religion from legislating morality?

The constitution says what ever the richest lobbyist says it means. Usually that's a corporate lobbyist. (And Big Religion is a Big Business, even if it claims to be "not for profit".)

Isn't the legislative branch susposed to lead on budget issues?

My understanding of history notes that we elect legislators to make laws and appropriate the funds while the president is elected to EXECUTE them, but it seems like these days the lawmakers want the president to LEGISLATE and EXECUTE the budgetary issues. That's not how government was first formed, and it shouldn't be like that now. Stop using the president as a scapegoat and get something done.

Why don't some dads love their children as much as the mother?

When you grow something inside you, it's pretty hard not to immediately get attached. That said, while plenty of men run off, lots of moms make their chidlren pay for it by metally abusing them. No gender is cruelty free.

Will validate uk replace my lost id card?

lost mine! silly... i know =( does anyone know if they replace your card since they already have your details or whatever? or will i just have to apply for another one all over again? thanks a million ^.^

What are some reasons why teens drop out of school after having a baby?

Education is so important to a persons future. So why do some abandon it as soon as a pregnancy comes into the picture? Can you help me think of reasons as I am writing an article on this topic.

Do Prop 8 supporters think it's ok to violate the U.S. constitution just because the majority votes do to so?

Violate what rights in the US Constitution? Where does it say gays can get married or where does it define gay. The word gay did not exist at the writing of the US constitution. Where does it even infer gay marriage. The constitution spells out rights and the rest is state rights or the belong to the people. States have control over marriage regardless of your Hollywood puppet judges including the illegal ruling on abortion. Clearly the KJV bible, the foundation of the English language as the first printed German bible was to the German language, defines marriage and when life begins. You can not change the definitions of words at the time of the constitution writing without a constitutional amendment. The constitution is a contract between the US people and it's government which the Hollywood puppet judges have violated so our contract is voided with the US government.

High Court upholds Westboro Baptist Church's "special protection"?

Amen. I despise that church and their "message", but once the Government gets into the act of censoring things that we don't like, there's really no way to stop them. Good decision with an unfortunate result.

Final fantasy 8 gameshare?

I want to get final fantasy viii from the ps store but I don't have money for it and I live too far away from walmart to get a card I was wondering if someone has an abandon account that I can get ff8 from?

Is it okay for me to feel like this?

So my birthday is tomorrow and i'm going to be spending it alone. At my house. I can't do anything fun like invite my friends over because i'm sick. My dad has to work, my brother is going to stay with our cousins, and my mom has to take my Granny Carolyn to a doctors appointment. So i'll be spending my birthday all by myself while i'm sick. I don't know if I should cry or get mad. Is it okay for me to be mad at everybody for abandoning me on my birthday? Is it okay for me to want to cry?

HELP!! i found a baby robin on the ground and its abandoned?

i found this baby bird on the ground that cant fly let. its mom abandoned it and it has a broken leg. ive been feeding it crackers mixed with water and a couple worms i found. i dont know what to do. please help!

Should governments attempt to legislate population?

What are some ways governments could help to control population without actually passing a law limiting the number of children a couple could have?

Do 50 year old guys who drive a truck get to have sex with twenty-something women?

is this so far out of the realm of possible that I should completely abandon any such ideas? Or is it possible under the right circumstances? I continue to have hope that I'll come across one.

Please help... I need advice... All of my friends have abandoned me :(?

Please help, I've been feeling so depressed lately :( None of my friends want to hangout with me anymore. This time last year, I had a group of about 20 good friends from my school (4 of which were my best friends), but now it seems that they are all blowing me off. None of them invite me to hang out anymore. I see all over Facebook that they have big parties and get-togethers, but they never invite me. One of my friends even told me that her pool party was canceled, but had it anyway without telling me. I've been trying to make the initiative by inviting them to my house or beach outings, but half of them just ignore the invite and the other half show up but exclude me from their conversations. I've been careful to stay out of drama and I did nothing to hurt any of them. I don't mean to sound whiney, I just don't know what to do. Part of me feels really betrayed by them, but I also don't want to isolate myself from all of my friends either. Any advice?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do you support Baba Ramdev's and/or Anna Hazare's methodology??(pls. read the details guys)?

India is a democratic country and people have constitutional rights for this type of non violent movement. If people using their "right to freedom" to promote corruption then the methodology of Ramdev or Anna is correct until unless the cause should be purely against only corruption rather making a political platform.

Read this paragraph. Now, are you tempted to read further?

No...Very boring and over-descriptive. I don't need to know every little thing about a sewing machine...What does it have to do with your story?

What is the first person horror movie based in an abandoned maental ward?

I watched the trailer a while ago and can not remember the title. It was apparently an old ghost hunter type tv show that disappeared in this psychiatric ward.

If the dems would of continued to have majorities in both houses today, would we...?

....see any cuts at all? For the last 24 months prior, we've seen the dems legislate and Obama signed $4 trillion more to the debt - now $14 trillion. What would we be seeing if the dems kept control of those 60 house seats - 10 senate seats and 14 governorship seats?

Forgot PS3 Password! Can not log in!?

I'm not ranked high enough to rate, but I tried the answer to go to by Amy Conroy and change it there and it works! Go to the head of the class!

I thought the Republic Party hated "legislating from the bench"?

Declaring a law unconstitutional is not legislating from the bench. get over it. That is the purpose of checks and balances of our system of government.

Can or how do you install software to another computer?

I thought my sister or somebody installed microsoft 07 to my desktop from a cd that she burned the real version from at her place. Can you do this? I thought you could..and if so how? I have the program/software paperport on my desktop and had a blank cd and burned it onto my blank cd or thoughts was on "make a data cd" for the setting for my burner nero essentials. But once I the cd in my laptop it was there on the cd but it said "action is validated only for software already installed" or something like that. I thought there would be an install set up there.

What would one need in order to?

influence a public official? Are public officials able or willing to be persuaded to influence their political decisions for bribes? Is money or the things money can buy enough to corrupt public officials? Can the average american afford to bribe a public official? What segment of society would have access of these influences? If it is possible to influence a person who's job it is to legislate public and economic policy. Who would have the most to gain in doing so? Or is the govt immune to coercion and bribery?

What EXACTLY do the republican senators have against Dr. Liu's nomination to the Federal court?

They seem to be using vagueries and the usual "legislates from then bench", but this guy has highest academic and legal honors you can get. The bar association rates him EXTREMELY high. I see they are pushing their "vagueries" on FOXNews, but I haven't heard one specific. Can anyone here tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with this guy, besides the fact that he's an Obama nomination?

Why do so many whites in this section not mind living up to their stereotype?

oh they mind but when you're a majority, being able to look past the stereotypes isnt as hard to do.

As a foreing nurse student, what do I need to do to work in the U.S.?

I am currently studying bachelors degree in nursing in Mexico. Can anyone guide me on where can I find information on how to re validate my mexican studies in the U.S.? Is there any special tests I need to take? Thank you for your time.

America seems to be doomed... best country to move?

You can rarely just move to another country. You need to go through their permanent resident visa process. It usually takes a lot of time to do too. You'll also need to learn the language of the country.

How can feminists legislate social equality?

feminists keep complaining that women are not treated equally "socially" or men "have sexist thoughts about women". I am wondering how feminists can legislate things like this, imprison anyone who has a though they don't agree with?

I have fallen for my dads best friend?

I have fallen for this guy. We have been completely honest with each other. He won't hang out with me because he doesn't want to be disloyal to my father. If it was just the two of us then everything would be fine. There is an 17 year age gap. He has recently told me that he will not come further into my life because he would feel that he was constantly doing something wrong. And that he felt inappropriate. I should be mad and resentful towards him at a time such as this. But I started falling in love with him, and he continues to talk to me. Making my feelings feel validated each day. Because he doesn't want us to stop talking. I know that it would cost the friendship between him and my dad. When he told me that he wasn't going to be able to see me, it was like my heart was put in a blender and left on ice crush. I know he feels the same about me, but why would he walk away if I made him happy. If I could put his mind at ease, and am only thing missing in his life. Why suppress the emotion. I just don't get it. I have never had somebody hurt me so bad and still continue to be nice to them, and still want them to come into my life, where we can be free with each other. Perhaps I am a fool. I talked to all of my friends and family, and nobody thought it was a big deal. I am 23 and have a right to my own privacy. And if we make each other happy, why can't we be together? Right now, we both have a perpetual heart ache because we are not in each others arms, and have lost each other. I cannot live like this, and I just want him to come into my life where I can cherish him.

Why is the christian God so insecure?

Only a narcissistic deity would feel the need to torment his children throughout eternity for not worshipping him so God must really need us to worship him in order to validate his feelings of self worth.


my sister went and abandoned her 6 year old daughter with her fathers family in a very poor part of oaxaca mexico a year ago ... completely abandoning her in a foreign country alone not knowing any of her fathers family or the language's spoken there. simply because she did not want her anymore , and was too spiteful to give her to any of her family here in the usa . thank fully her father's elderly sister has been nothing but loving and caring for her and eager to help us get her back home to her family in the usa who love and miss her . we have been threw a year of hell with out her here . my sister left her there with out her pass port or any of the legal paper work to get her back to the usa ... back home. this woman took her in her heart and cared for her as her own daughter . we go down to texas soon to pick her up . we cant wait to hold her and hug her again . if anyone who can write spanish , we would love to write her a heartfelt thank you note ... for everything she has done for her niece. thank you SO much .

How do feminists plan to legislate social equalty?

feminists complain that women are "not treated equally socially" are called "bad drivers" "overly emotional" etc. and they need to end this. How do they plan to end this? Imprison anyone who says these things?

Marrieds: My husband is upset that I eat too many chocolate covered donuts, is there a medical condition which?

What a nice name to call your husband. Your husband is probably worried that you will become fatter.It sure to heck isn't called a medical condition. It's called a piggy condition.

I forgot to sign my GCSE General Science Bio paper?

Is there any problem with this? The paper had my name and candidate number on it. The signature was asked i think to validate if all the info was correct. I signed all my other gen. science papers. Please hep!!

England is the only country in the UK to pay medication prescription charges . Why ?

England is the only country in the UK not to have its own devolved Parliament and now , as from the 1st of April the only part of the UK where citizens have to pay prescription charges ( � 7.40 per item of medication) .Scotland , N Ireland and Wales have all legislated for free prescriptions . Seems to be an obvious point .

Why does the United States government think that they have a right to?

They want to endorse socialism to get bigger, the Dems have pushed through an obesity tax in New York State that charges fat people, for crying out loud. Socialism is still alive, and it's taking over America.

What EXACTLY do the republican senators have against Dr. Liu's nomination to the Federal court?

They seem to be using vagueries and the usual "legislates from then bench", but this guy has highest academic and legal honors you can get. The bar association rates him EXTREMELY high. I see they are pushing their "vagueries" on FOXNews, but I haven't heard one specific. Can anyone here tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with this guy, besides the fact that he's an Obama nomination?

How can a democracy be a democracy if it denies its citizens the right to choose how to live their lives?

This is why we don't have a democracy in the US. The reason we don't have slavery in the US is because of the 13th amendment of the CONSTITUTION not democracy. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep getting together to vote on whats for dinner or should I say who. To me people confuse freedom with democracy. You can have democracy and no freedom if enough people vote to limit your freedom. This is the main reason the bill of rights was written. To limit the power of Government.

How did you settle your toddler into nursery?

My little one is 15 months and will be starting nursery soon for one whole day and another half day. Im naturallly anxious - what is the nest way to help ensure it is an easy transition for both of us? Im terrified he will feel upset and abandoned!

How can one re-validate a Psychology degree in the US?

I am American, living and studying Psychology in Bolivia, once I finish my studies, I plan on moving back to California, is it possible to re-validate my degree? and if it is, how can I re-validate it? Would I be able to get a job in my career?

Okay white people............... seriously?

YES completely agree i refuse to get over or believe that racism still doesn't live in the hearts of many whites americans when 50 years ago it sure as hell did. plus racist views are easily passed down and taught so many could be racist on the down low...

I need to get away - Would it be selfish to disappear for a month or 2 and leave my daughter with her dad?

I could NEVERRRRR leave my kids. There feelings are more important to me than my own. Im sad for you both.

Right i basically have got a virus as of yesterday called "xp internet security 2012" on my dell desktop?

hi there people, as i said i got a virus called "xp intenet security 2012" it automatically downloaded itself to my pc via a link i rekon. now this virus imitates windows security essentials, telling me my computer is basically infected by 30 or more trojans. it also stops me getting on control panel to do a system restore and if i download a legit copy of security the virus stops the download. so here it is on my computer trying to get me to put my bank details in and "validate the copy of security 2012" PLEASE HELP!!!! HOW DO I GET RID OF THIS ANNOYING CRAP??? any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

Please yahoo answers be useful ?

Yes apply for welfare! & section 8. I'm pretty sure you will get something! Also apply for college because it'll probably help you get more if they see you're a college student with loans. Scholarships & grants will be plenty available to you. You sound like a wonder person & I will pray for you. <3

Monday, July 18, 2011

5 week old Kitten question?

A family friend took a kitten away from it's mother WAY too early, at 5 weeks old, because he was impatient and thought he could take care of it now. He is however, not taking care her at all, and I am afraid for the kittens life. I have another friend who's cat has kittens who are also 5 weeks old, and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to introduce this kitten with these kittens. Will the mom possibly take care of her? Or will she abandon all of her kittens? I just want some opinions. I do plan on getting kitten milk for her and teaching them how to stimulate the poop, but she needs a mom.

How to get a cat out of a crawl space?

I'd say your best bet would be to call your local animal control or shelter. Despite what you may have heard, animal control won't kill or hurt the animals. In fact, the kittens, if there are any, have a good chance of being adopted.

How to help a sister who is upset about giving up a dog?

The SPCA is a great place for animals. They are also great people. When you go there tomorrow ask them if she could keep in touch with the puppy when the new family adopts him, if they are okay with it. She needs to understand that the puppy with find a new home with other children and be happy. Maybe until it is adopted she could visit with him at the shelter. It never hurts to ask. She could see that he is happy and well cared for. Maybe she could leave one of her old shirts or something with him. It will make her fell better that he can still smell her.

Fighting an Impossible Fight!?

I have a deep suspicion that some powerful "RAT" in some powerful organization is doing a lot of harm to my software business (sabotage) and I was looking for a few school principals to validate or invalidate such suspicion. How do I go about that?

How to translate the following sentence in Spanish using imperfect tense?

It is se iban because the verb "to leave" is "irse" (reflexive verb) so you're using the reflexive pronoun, not an indirect object pronoun.

Xstains, why do you say that you care about the fate of unbelievers when...?

I only care about doing God's will. He wants us to deliver a message to all people so they may have a chance at eternal life. If we have the opportunity to warn someone and they don't listen and they die and lose eternal life, we are absolved of being blood guilty. If we have the opportunity to warn someone and we don't and they die and lose eternal life, we are blood guilty. But as for feeling bad about those who do not believe, I can't say I care about those who I don't know. I do care about those I love. Jesus died for those who believe in him. Not for those who do not. How do you demonstrate you believe in Jesus? By doing the will of his Father and of Jesus himself. Just believing is not enough. Satan believes in them.

Stray Baby kitten help?

A Mother cat gave birth to what i can see 2 kittens, and she abandoned one it looks like, cause she is alway laying around with the other and the abandon cat (that has a messed up its all like swollen) just sits around and wanders all lone some, and its eyes are still shut, =[ =[ what should i do?

How do I get my abusive boyfriend to leave?

My fiance' and I are both 19 years old and have been together 2 years we also have a 14 month old daughter together . I love him with all my heart, but he is so jealous. he accuses me of sleeping with every guy in the room. Not only that, he used to slap me around so badly that my face would be swollen for like a week. my mom was going to press charges on him but I begged and pleaded with her not to and she agree but only on the grounds that he is to never show his face around me or my baby again. a couple of weeks ago we got back together (he wasnt accusing me or hitting me anymore) and everything was fine. Until he came home one day angry and accused me of sleeping with the next door neighbor (a 75 year old man) he went mad and beat me up pretty badly infront of my daughter(that was the last straw). The thing is, now I am ready to finally leave him but I dont want to send him to jail and he wont leave my house. My mom doesnt know that I took him back, she said that if I ever took him back, that I deserve whatever he gives me and she will take my daughter away from me. I've asked him to leave but he gives me some sob story about his family abandoning him, he wants to be with his daughter, and that I'm the only one who loves him. I would hate to involve the police, so How do I get him to leave peacefully?

Is this a good story idea??????

Hmm...It's definitely original. Really good if it's just a brainstorm. I see a lot of potential in it if you continued to develop it. By the way how does it end?

Do modern women realize that you can not legislate the human heart?

For many of you complain about men, their fallibility's, and how they treat you. But yet do not know the secret on how to reach a man's heart. So how do you expect to ever receive what you desire when your current ways are unfruitful?

What are some reasons teens drop out of school after having a baby?

Education is so important to a persons future. So why do some abandon it as soon as a pregnancy comes into the picture? Can you help me think of reasons as I am writing an article on this topic.

The separation of Church and state?

Just because there is one main/original reason for something does not mean that there is only one purpose for it. This is equivalent to arguing that because the internet was originally founded for governmental reasons that the secondary purposes to the internet such as emails, research, youtube videos, and others are useless. Just because the separation of church and state was originally there just to protect religion from the state does not mean that it cannot be applied to protecting the state from the church.

How much is it to vet a free kitten?

I want to thank you for posting this. I have always been curious about the cost difference between adopting and finding a free kitty. My husband and I had long discussions before deciding where to go to get a cat. I always thought the $100 adoption fee seemed crazy, but it didn't matter when I found my Emmy and Katie cat. I would have paid more for them. I had no idea of what the vet costs would be.

What do I do if im trying to validate my windows and the product key is invalid?

I got my laptop as a gift and the little pop - ups are really agitating me.....I never knew it was pirated but I can't go get the right thing. So is there another way?

What do you think of America becoming less religious?

An article in USA Today gave the following report in March of this year, indicating the America is becoming a less religious nation: "The percentage of people who call themselves in some way Christian has dropped more than 11% in a generation. The faithful have scattered out of their traditional bases: The Bible Belt is less Baptist. The Rust Belt is less Catholic. And everywhere, more people are exploring spiritual frontiers - or falling off the faith map completely." What we have to consider is the possibility that becoming a less religious nation may actually be a good thing... or, at least an opportunity for something good to happen. Some Christians are reacting strongly to the aforementioned statistics and with a public outcry for more legislated morality or declaring the "culture war" between religious conservatives and atheistic liberals in full swing. In such a struggle, it's difficult for the Church to know where to stand. . What do you think?

How much time do the House and Senate members spend meeting with lobbyists and SIGs?

Granted they handed them $3.7 billion in 2008 and you can verify it at, it shows what each has taken, from whom and how they vote. But with 30.000 lobbyists in Washington it must take up a ton of time. Granted I am sure staff meets with some and then they get word from family members that work for the lobbyists, but still doesn't seem like it leaves much time to "legislate".

What does this dream mean?

11th commandment, "Thou shall not Troll". by the way did you know there were 2 sets of commandments in the old testament? One from 3k years ago and one from 2500 years ago and they conflict.

Is science eating the lunch of religion (see below)?

Science is not possible without God. He constructed it. Science does not disprove God and never will.

Are there Seventh Day Adventists who are NonTrinitarian these days?

In some of the Facebook discussion groups I am in, I have noticed a growing trend of SDA's who have abandoned the Pagan doctrine of the Trinity. This seems like a good move, since the SDA's have a solid doctrine on the wholistic view of man, and the state of the dead. Anyone familiar with this?

What sins do Christians decide should be illegal, and what sins are not subject to legislation?

I don't involve myself in all that legal stuff, but I would imagine it's because all the other sins you mentioned are common to all humans at birth; in other words, they are innate and universally accepted and expected. Homosexuality is contrary to biology and parents don't want their children growing up thinking that it's ok. I don't think it's just because they find that particular sin appalling. In fact, they should find all sin appalling. It is only a particular group of Christians involved in this fight, so you should not stereotype.

How would I skip the validation in a php page as ive validated in javascript?

If you validated the form in javascript BEEFORE sending it to php (which is what you should do!), they whay would you re-validate the entries in Php??? Just read the form as it is, mysql_real_escape the fields that you want to store in the DB, and that's it...

Is it true that queen latifah and missy elliot finally came out the closet?

I heard they both got married to their long term girlfriends but cant' find any sites to actually validate this. is it true? They are obviously gay but I don't think they'd ever be bold enough to come out. I think they should though cause it really would be a big step for and a benefit to the black community.

Do you think America is waging a war on sex or do you think we're legislating morality?...?

As an individual we have our individual rights. I think America is legislating morality without thinking the effect on it to their individual citizenry. Adults have the right or should be given the right to choose of what entertainment they want to have for themselves without being harassed by anyone because it is their right. Maybe America's legislators come up this kind of law to some extent, like for example, pornography. Not all adults are mature enough to handle or to understand what pornography is. Maybe legislators can have that law implementing that there are certain age of adults are being given the right to read pornography. Passing a law like this should be scrutinized well before implementing it. There should be surveys to be conducted first. Passing a certain law is not as easy as they want it to be.

Should I go to Job Corp this this year instead of returning to High School?

Alright, I will be 16 this August, and my Aunt mentioned Job Corp to me. Here is what has been going on in my life the past year. My mom, has basically abandoned me and my little sister. We are fine because we are with our father, and he takes very good care of us and provides any thing we need, and is very concerned about our education. I attended 7th grade two years ago, which I passed, but have not since then returned to school.. It's a very complicated story, and I won't go into detail.. But I can tell you that it was my mothers fault. It was her responsibility to make sure we were in school/have a ride to and from school etc... She never handled any of that. But on with the other stuff.. We do not associate with her any more. I am very frightened at the thought of returning to school, and not knowing how to do any of the assignments, or school work. My Aunt has always been here for me through thick and thin. She is one of the people I respect the most out of my whole mothers side (they are sisters) She also is in law school studying to become a lawyer. She was previously a nurse. She mentioned to me, that I could consider Job Corp, and sent me a link via my facebook page. I have read over the Job Corp official page, and have read all of the details about the center that I may be moving to if I decide that this is what I actually want to do. I'm really trying to get my life back together.. I feel like I'm never going to get any where, or have any form of education, and I'll end up working at a fast food restauraunt.. This is why I'm asking you. The Job Corps page said that they can help me earn my Highschool Diploma/GED. And give me job training, and afterwards help me get into a college. This all sounds so great, and it sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to get back on track. So basically what I'm asking is.. Should I sign up for Job Corp this year, and give it a shot? Or just return to highschool and wait another four or five years to get my Diploma. Keep in mind that the Job Corp program takes any where from 8 months to 2 years to complete. I want to choose the one that is best for my education and future.

Is it okay to mix...?

It's nice to hear of a good rescue. He,s trying to wean himself. I wouldn't let him have dry food yet. His teeth haven't developed enough for for it. You can soak some in the replacer. Also about replacer- it has a limited shelf life and has to be refridgerated. I've done some rescue pup before and they have a tend to go to the food more-so than the milk. My best guess is the milk is like instant milk is to us. I think you're doing a good job and good luck.

What is Muslims' fault if Brits are abandoning Churches?

and Muslims are buying and converting them to Mosques? They do pay money for the property but some Christians say that Muslims are taking over UK like this.

I need help with xhtml errors?

There are 3 errors in your script. Go to: a href="" rel="nofollow" then put your URL into the upper address bar and click "check." They will tell you the errors are an what lines they are on.

What do you want the next president to accomplish?

I want unemployment to be 5% or lower. I want the economy to grow stronger without forced bubbles like the housing one we had from the CRO. I want the border secured. I want peacetime. Take a break from Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the rest. I want spending and debt cut with expensive programs reformed. I want competitive business taxes. I want less tax loopholes and less corporate welfare. I dont want to hear about all the govt agencies like the EPA and FCC legislating any laws. Last but not least, I want to get back to constitutionality especially federalism.

Biological Dad VS Step Dad...In A Parental Crisis!!?

You're right not have anything to do with the father ever again. If when he is out of jail, he starts to take interest, then let him. He will try it to get to you and see if you will let him back in your life. There might even be a custody battle. Be aware. That is how he will try to get you back. Sounds like you brought stability back and that is what the child needs. Don't give in. Stay with your feelings they are right. Mothers usually get custody because of a tender year law. You don't need a deadbeat for a Dad.

Should a congressman have to resign just cuz he hit on someone on Craigslist?

Yeah he's married. So what. I know that the guy was a Republican douche, but does cheating mean that you can't legislate?

How can i get a cat out of a crawl space?

if the cat comes out try trapping it in a box with the food then try getting a net long enough to scoop the kittens out ? sorry this is all i got my family use to have a cat with kittens in our crawl space if you do get them out try raising them the mom and the kittens try using a flash light to see how far their away try getting a few of your friends to help with this one get a long net have 1 person holding a box with air holes in it then once you get the cat in the net quickly put in in the box and close it try taping it but make sure it can breath then use the nets to get the kittens put them in an other box the drive or walk home open the box let the kittens and mom out make sure its a nice and open room and run like heck to get out of their and shut the door because shell likely be very mad we had to take in a mom and her kittens several times ( my family ) good luck oh and use long sleeved possibly a sweater and thick gloves long pants and boots so she wont scratch you try using sun glasses to protect your eyes ( i may have got to far on the protective clothing )

Phil.. Are there structures or buildings on the far side of the moon?

Honestly, I lost interest in your question and didn't read past the first line, but I have heard there's a McDonalds on the far side of the moon.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

East European cars abandoned in my street?

I live in The Netherlands and in my street I have seen a lot of east european cars, Czech, Poland, Bulgaria and Serbia mostly that have been abandoned and just stay there, after some months they get a warning paper on the car and eventually get taken by the government. Does this mean those people died or what? Cause I am confused. There has been a shooting lately in my city between Bulgarians and Serbians, perhaps those cars belonged to them? I don't know. What could be other reasons why people would abandon their car?

Is it not rude to pressure people to date others?

I agree and I'm the same way. You should just say in a serious tone to your friends that you 100% don't want them to set you up and they need to respect you. If they don't then I would drop those friends so fast. As for the guys, just keep saying NO like you are. If they ask why just say, "because I said no, that's why" it may sound harsh but sometimes people don't get the hint. If they persist after this I would just ignore them...

The Sakura was pale and the daffodils grey-ish this year why is the Arrow of Time pointing away from DC?

The spending binge that Obama has glorified Washington D.C. with over the past 2 years has been a boom for the area and the bureaucrats who occupy the vicinity. The slump in the rest of the country belies the fake veneer of this "prosperity". The economic reality that the "arrow of time" points to is the irrelevance of this administration's failed economic policy.

How do we stop our dog from chewing on things when we go to bed or leave the house?

Puppies need a lot of training n you need to find time. What you can do Is get a crate n put her in with a toy n leave the room see wat here progress is . Then u can get a camera n record her wen she is alone in a room . Keep on taking her out ever hour until she gets it. Eating poop is sumthing u can't really stop her for doing, just keep feces away from her as possible. Oh n for the recording her alone , see wat she does leave a lot of chew toys around the room and the instant you see her trying to bite anything not chewable get in the room and make a Loud noise. Do this over n over. Rember wen they r puppies try to keep them in one room till they get properly trained

Do you really think people who have pedophilia are by definition bad people?

For all the psychological gobbledegook you want to throw at the situation, the point is that they do sexual things to kids(or want to) and that's wrong.

I left My dog at my Neihbors and-?

Unfortunately this is something most animals don't get used to; they rely on their owners and become attached to us just like we do. There are some things you can do to help, depending on the size of your dog, buy them a big bone or pigs ear that will last a couple of days. Give it to your dog right before you leave and they will never even know you left, toys and treats are a good way to get them accustom to you being gone or the sense of you "leaving."

Why is Judge Maryann Sumi's injunction legislating from the bench but Roger Vinson's injunction isn't?

We all should know by now that under this current regime in DC , a judges determination is irrelevant unless it favors the regime ! Hell do like the Obama regime does . If you are ruled against , just frigging ignore the ruling as Obama has with the judge deciding against Obama`s off shore drilling stoppage ! He simply refuses to honor the judges`ruling . The same goes for the Obama care rejection , he still implements the Plan even with a judge ruling against him !

It's a tough descision...what should I do?

I'm a manager at a local diner, and I'm having a little employee trouble. One girl is very hard working. She works up to 12 hours a day, and still manages to come in early and close late for others when they call in sick. This past week, she put in 50 hours in four and a half days! The customers all like her, and she never misses orders. She never complains or calls in sick. However, an employee who's worked with us for a year has some concerns that I'm finding hard to validate. She says the girl is rude, slow, and doesn't socialize. I've noticed this employee tends to give the hard worker a hard time, such as writing sloppy orders, or vague orders (ie, she'll write down breakfast. She doesn't write how the eggs are to be done, bacon or sausage, white or whole wheat toast...etc). I've also noticed that this employee has gone down hill. She'll sit in the diner, ordering others around while she takes long smoke breaks and does a crossword, all the while yelling in the back door at this hard worker that she's burning something. I've confronted her about this, as has the owner, but we think we have to replace the slacker. Why do you think she acts this way? Is she just immature? Should we replace the slacker and move on, or try talking to her again?

Has government overstepped it's boundaries when they are starting to ban light bulbs?

Isn't it time to curb their power when they are even legislating on what kind of lightbulbs we can use?

I thought the Republic Party hated "legislating from the bench"?

Declaring a law unconstitutional is not legislating from the bench. get over it. That is the purpose of checks and balances of our system of government.

Is Job Corp worth attending, and is it a better option then finishing High School?

Alright, I will be 16 this August, and my Aunt mentioned Job Corp to me. Here is what has been going on in my life the past year. My mom, has basically abandoned me and my little sister. We are fine because we are with our father, and he takes very good care of us and provides any thing we need, and is very concerned about our education. I attended 7th grade two years ago, which I passed, but have not since then returned to school.. It's a very complicated story, and I won't go into detail.. But I can tell you that it was my mothers fault. It was her responsibility to make sure we were in school/have a ride to and from school etc... She never handled any of that. But on with the other stuff.. We do not associate with her any more. I am very frightened at the thought of returning to school, and not knowing how to do any of the assignments, or school work. My Aunt has always been here for me through thick and thin. She is one of the people I respect the most out of my whole mothers side (they are sisters) She also is in law school studying to become a lawyer. She was previously a nurse. She mentioned to me, that I could consider Job Corp, and sent me a link via my facebook page. I have read over the Job Corp official page, and have read all of the details about the center that I may be moving to if I decide that this is what I actually want to do. I'm really trying to get my life back together.. I feel like I'm never going to get any where, or have any form of education, and I'll end up working at a fast food restauraunt.. This is why I'm asking you. The Job Corps page said that they can help me earn my Highschool Diploma/GED. And give me job training, and afterwards help me get into a college. This all sounds so great, and it sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to get back on track. So basically what I'm asking is.. Should I sign up for Job Corp this year, and give it a shot? Or just return to highschool and wait another four or five years to get my Diploma. Keep in mind that the Job Corp program takes any where from 8 months to 2 years to complete. I want to choose the one that is best for my education and future. I've been reading a lot on it, and I have came across a lot of negative feedback. Like that Job Corps did not help them in any way, and that it wasted two years of their lives etc.. I mean, if I have to.. I will go back to High School, and graduate.. But I want what is in my best interest. Please help because I have to make this decision before the school year begins in a month and a half.

Did Indiana really legislate to change the value of pi to its Biblical value of 3.00?

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What do you think of ultraconservative Wall Street Journal even admitting that Spending Cuts is a bad idea?

Blinder served on President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisors (Jan 1993 - June 1994), and as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from June 1994 to January 1996. Blinder's recent academic work has focused particularly on monetary policy and central banking,[4] as well as the "offshoring" of jobs, and his writing for lay audiences has been published primarily but not exclusively in New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.

When you buy a foreclosure and have to pay all previous HOA dues of previous owner due you Think it's fair?

Im not an attorney Mortgage companies, when properties are sold at Foreclosures, pay 6-12 of past dues but consumers are legislated by law to pay all back dues in Florida. Is this a form of discrimination or not? I can't find any case law where it's been challenged. It would make a good case for any attorney that's up to the challenge.

What is the name of the big blue kids book with a bedtime story for every night?

My mom read it to me every night when i was a kid but it was destroyed in a fire and i want to find a copy for my daughter. Its at least 20 years old and had an ongoing story about a runaway pancake people were trying to eat and another one about a cupboard in an abandoned house. There was a different short story for everyday of the year.

WTH is wrong with my BF? Need outside perspective!?

You need to put out more. Putting out more equals to him spending more time with you. Also make him a sammich every now and then.

Help! my Dad's 50th! Birthday is next weekend! What to do?

Don't know what to send birthday gift? It's selection here. Although don't know your father like what kind of birthday gift, but I believe, he must be very like you to send his things.

Could this be a sign of sickness?

So for the past few days, I have been extremely overwhelmed. I just found out that my dad might possibly have cancer and for the past few days, I honestly feel like I'm living in a nightmare. Nothing seems real except I know it is. I've started feeling lost, abandoned, and also sick. My mom and I have always got along but for the past couple days, I feel like she doesn't know me at all and that she's judging me. Once in a while, I'll feel nausiated and dizzy, but I haven't actually thrown up at all. I was just wondering if my feelings emotionally could be a symptom of a sickness or what not. So basically, I'm dizzy, feeling lost, abandoned, and misunderstood. Thanks to any helpful answers!

Is this a rumor about saving seeds or is it not a rumor?

Yesterday, I heard someone talking about things passed by the Senate recently. One of the things she mentioned was that it is now "illegal" to save your own seed. She said that it was something that the Montsanto company had pushed through. Say what? If it is true, I'd really like to see people try to legislate this! And join the opposition. This is legislation gone overboard, if it is true!

Where are abandoned haunted places in Ocala, fl?

I wanna know where to do a little ghost hunting around here...Im not having much luck with sources...

Can Congress overrule science?

Conservatives and facts hate each other. Why listen to facts when you can go on FOX and make up your own and the sheep will believe it.

What to do with 3 stray kittens?

We found them in a box, apparently their mother abandoned them. I'm not allowed to keep them, but I don't want to give them to a shelter in case they kill them? Should I just look around for a home for them? I won't be allowed to keep them for more than a few days...

Is these good horror movie plots?

I would rate the first one 6/10 and the second 5/10. They're not too bad. It's just that I don't really know too much about the story, just how it starts. And I feel like we've heard these types of plots before. Don't let that keep you from imagining new ideas though!

Rights of the petitioning stepmother?

If she signs documents allowing him to take the children to the US, her rights would be very limited. She could at some point file a custody claim in a US court to try to get them back, but unless you and your husband are unfit parents, a judge would not rule in her favor. She could win joint custody, obtaining a legally enforceable agreement requiring the children to be returned to Mexico for a certain period each year. When the eldest child turns 21, he or she can petition the mother for immigration to the US if the child has naturalized as a US citizen. In the meantime, she is unlikely to get approved for a visitor's visa to enter the US.

Is there any aspect of our lives that ?

Is there any aspect of our lives that Obama does not want to control, regulate, legislate dictate mandate or impose restrictions upon ?

My cat hasnt pooped in three Days! Help please.?

Me and my friends recently saved two new born kittens. They are about five days old now. The little boy has pooped several times since we have had him. But the little girl has only gone once. It took her two days for her to poop the last time. But we are going on day four now and I have done every thing I can to get her to go. We have wiped her bottom. The thing is, is she eats a ton and pees all the time. But her tummy seems to be very bloated. We are also bottle feeding her and I don't know if that has anything to do with it. There mommy had abandoned them. I don't know whether to take her to the vet or what. Is there something I can give her to make her go! I need some suggestions please. I don't know what else to do. I am getting very worried:(

How come I get turned off when a guy likes me?

Because women are crazy. It sounds like you don't know what you want in a guy. Try making a list of all the features you'd want in your perfect guy, physical and personality and then see how guys compare to your list. Keep in mind that if you aren't willing to compromise in some areas you'll likely be a lonely and miserable girl.

What should one do in this situation?

I'm asking this question here, because hopefully I can get some input from moms and other teenage girls. Okay, so there's this girl I go to school with. There are 7 lessons a day, and I have lessons 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 with her. I wouldn't say that we're friends, she's way higher up on the social totem pole than I am, but we're amicable and chat from time to time, and we have a few mutual friends. I noticed in lesson one that she had gotten her period. Luckily, she was wearing black leggings with a long shirt, but she left a streak of blood on her chair. That's just another part of high school- occasionally you'll walk into class and there'll be blood on the chair. It is really gross, and of course no one will sit in the seat, but I really feel sorry for whoever left it, because it's so humiliating. All of lesson two I was torn, trying to decide whether or not to tell her (I sit behind her in that class, so I could have discreetly mentioned it...). It seemed like she hadn't realized it yet, but I was worried that if she had noticed, I would have made things worse, because I think it would be really upsetting to have some girl you barely know remind you of something really embarrassing, and validate the fear that other people have noticed. And there was a substantial amount of blood on the chairs in lessons one and two, so I felt that one of her closer friends in one of the classes must have noticed and said something. I really felt like I should have said something, but social interaction, especially when involving an awkward subject, is not exactly my fort�. I didn't see her again until fifth period, roughly three hours later, and while she was still leaving a little blood on the seat, it wasn't as bad as this morning, and she was sitting on the very edge of her chair and kind of fidgeting, so I think she had noticed by then. What should I have done? Did I do the right thing, or should I have said something? If it had been a close friend, I would have said something, but... I don't know. What should I do if something similar happens again? I feel really bad, but at the same time I think I would have felt bad and awkward and embarrassed myself if I had told her. Help!

If someone abandons a vehicle in your yard for over 5 years does that vehicle belong to you?

And if you can't get ahold of that vehicles title in order to get it in your name in order to sell yourself what then. also if there ARE unpaid taxes WHO would be responsible for paying it.

Does anyone else feel this way about periods?

I'm pretty sure there's a surgery. My mom's period was out of control heavy so she got some surgery that just stopped it.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can liberals obey/enforce the law?

obamacare is unconstitutional. they refuse to enforce immigration laws.they legislate race base incentive that violate non discrimination laws. they sign mandates to fund unconstitutional legislation.they riot the state house in wisconson because they dont like what the taxpayer voted for. would respecting the law be to much to ask?

How to validate 10 and 13 digit ISBN numbers in Excel?

I am setting up a library and will be creating list of books using ISBN numbers. As I type in 10 and 13 digit ISBN's I need excel to validate the numbers.

Is PC ruining our country? Are we afraid to do what's right, for fear of offending someone?

Nice do realize that the democrats let you down, not any fundamentalist agenda. Imagine that the right thing to do... is what was done... instead of the PC passage of your little selfish bill of gay rights. Pushers are the first to complain when someone pushes back...childish behavior at best.

What's the difference between liberal and conservative?

Liberals are generous and practical, conservatives think the poor should have babies until their uteri fall out and then blame the poor for having babies they can't feed, and refuse to help them.

If this a free country, should the government have the right to tell me what i cant put in my own body?

I see your point, but some times the use of drugs can lead a person to destructive behavior. I think its dumb that the government restricts marijuana while it allows alcohol, which ends up getting people killed regularly. Personally smoking does not appeal to me at all, and I am not against the use of alcohol, but it is just ironic to me. I dont care if people do drugs, but only as long as it does not lead to them harming others, so its kind of hard to decide whether or not the government has the right.

Whats the best way for former neo nazis to show that they have abandoned nazism?

I was once enterested in nazism but I have changed my mind on it. I would like to know how best to show Im no longer that person anymore. I was never in a party or participated in Neo nazi stuff. I just agreed it for a time and now have left those ideas.

How do I find help on obtaining grant money to renovate an abandoned building and start a business?

I am looking to renovate an abandoned building that has not been used for over 10 years. The building is about 35 years old and in fairly good condition. I want to start a business with 4 or 5 different "businesses" inside of it. I am looking for help finding federal funding options to help minimize start up costs associated with renovation of the interior and parking lot. Also looking locally for help from our Chamber of Commerce. Hopefully I can find a few leads to help minimize the amount of time I spend searching as I am extremely busy with all other aspects of making this dream a reality. The business will not be non-profit but will be aimed at serving the community by offering a variety of activities and entertainment for residents at a low cost without having to travel out of town. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Computer won't download anything?

Whenever i try to download anything from microsoft silverlight, to adobe flashplayer, to google chrome my computer always starts the download and after it is completed tells me "the download has failed to validate" and therefore i can't install it. I already tried turning off my firewall, and turning down internet security settings. Also my Netflix and Youtube won't work and i think it has something to do with this maybe. Thank you :D

How to configure a wireless network?

Me and my dad are running winxp. We want to start a network, but whenever I find his network, it just says that Its validating the request. I need help with the stuff after that. We are using a motorola dsl modem/router. Any help will be appreciated

What should I do about my stressed guinea pig?

I rescued two abandoned female guinea pigs. One guinea pig is doing fine, but the other bigger one seems very stressed. She wouldn't eat and would not come out of her house. I gave her to another lady who lives by me and has a lot of animals, my guinea pig is still doing fine, but after reading a lot of info online I am wondering if I should get another friend for my pig, or if I should go get the other guinea pig back, in case the separation is stressing her out more. My friend said the other guinea pig still won't eat and still won't come out of the house and this has been going on for over a week. HELP!!!

Why can not Yahoo fix their mail problems?

I cannot get into my Yahoo mail the page says "new mail cannot load" error something 14. I cannot even go to old mail, as the page suggests. I have tried everything I can, but still no email access. Do I have to abandon Yahoo now, and seek another browser email and home page? Instructions say to email me when solution to problem is solved, but I cannot access my email. What do I do?

Is my desire dangerous? I can't stop thinking about sex?

it's probably time to start valuing yourself a little more these days. sex isn't all you are. find someone who really loves you for YOU, and not just empty sex. start thinking differently and contain this overpowering urge to always engage in sex. you're worth far more than that.

Are u personally certain of anything? Philosophy?

Not many things but a couple - I know love exists, I have some sense of the impossibility of knowing most anything, due to Descartes two propositions, the dream and the evil master or however he put it, and I'm certain of some of the things I've experienced, tho holding out that I may not have understood them. I did, however, swim yesterday, etc.

Job application help?

I'm applying for a job and it says that upon my first day of work I must furnish the appropriate documents that validate my ability to work in the United States. What documents does this entail?

Since Liberals now want to ?

Since Liberals now want to control our speech and language through " Political Correctness " should Target Department Store now be forced to refer to itself as " the other department store similar to Kohl's " and should Politicians now be forced to debate the issue of whether to legislate more " gub " control ?

Arizona's new ruling on Abortion?

Abortion is about more than one person, and the state would be trying to protect the interest of the unborn. People need to be responsible for their family, and not try to kill their own child because it's inconvenient.

Does the government have any business in legislating marriage usually a religious or personal union?

Isn't this a personal or religious union anyway? Is this constitutional? Is this the state getting involved in religious affairs? Do single people view it as fair?

If America isn't a dictatorship, why do Supreme Court Judges get LIFE terms? dictatorships, at least legislation gets passed (if only by one person). What we have is professional debating that leads to eternal stagnation.

What does it mean when you have disturbing dreams, but it's normal?

I really wouldn't pay much attention to your dreams. If you're not scared then its fine; I don't think you're depressed or anything you shouldn't take medication for dreaming. I've had some wild dreams myself as long as you don't go on a murdering rampage then you're fine. dreams are dreams.

If Conservatives claim NAFTA is actually responsible for illegal immigration, then why do they bash Mexicans?

They did not legislate it.Likely you have not noticed that Mexicans have very strong family values and don't want their families' starving.

Why is the politics section full of religious people & the religion section full of atheists?

Most of them are here (and there) because they want to start a fight by spewing vitriolic nonsense. If they were content to agree to disagree, they would stick to the logical section and discuss things civilly.

I was wide awake and I saw death he was in my room. Has this ever happened to anyonelse?

2 weeks ago I was getting ready for bed, my husband was in the field (he is a farmer) it was approx. 11pm our daughter was in the next room watching tv. I layed down to start to read and all of a sudden I started to cry uncontrolably I reached for my cell and called my husband. I told him that for some reason I was freaking out and that I knew that I was going to die tonight, he told me that I wasn't. I said he knew what he had to do that he had to help me pray that I didn't know the prayer. He was confused as to what prayer I meant. I just kept saying that I'm going to die, he needs to pray with me that I couldn't remember the rest of the prayer. While in the room I was laying in the bed there was something standing at the door he was telling me that I needed to get out of the bed and onto my knees and start praying because he was going to cross over me and take my soul. I continued to get hysterical on the phone with my husband because I couldn't remember the prayer, I just kept telling him that It was time that I was going to die and that I could see death in the room, then all of a sudden I could see start to turn and I could feel that he was changing is course and going after my husband and then I really became hysterical I grabbed our baby out of her bed ran upstairs (still on the phone) screaming that someone had to help me with the prayer because my husband was going to die (my inlaws where upstairs) I kept screaming that they had to help me with the prayer because we are catholic and you had to say the prayer before you die. While crying and screaming hystarically all of a sudden the wind was knocked out of me and I went into shock. They took the phone from me. My husband came home immediatly and my son came home also. They put me bed and for the next few days I just felt out of sorts. I don't know exactly what happened that Friday night, but if that is a glimse of what hell is I am terrified. ( I was not intoxicated or medicated) I just need someone else to validate what has happened to me.

Did jesus visit the americas?

If so, are there any myths or ancient writings or artifacts or anything that would validate that claim?

Is this the real reason for the Tories spending cuts?

They also want to rewrite our bill of rights. They have reduced the amount of jobs available as well as increased the unemployment line, the have slowed down growth and scared off investment and science but are encouraging banks back, they have employed dubious characters within their Government, they have been involved with shady characters, they have avoided paying the correct taxes, they are our Government.

Can the State of Montana Legislate Away Climate Change?

Gotta love these guys - they think they can make global warming go away with some useless resolution. Next they'll try to pass a bill saying that Montana is only 6,000 years old, and the center of the universe.

Do you believe our representatives have become too elitist by exempting themselves from the bills they pass?

They still have to go through TSA if they aren't rich enough to afford a private jet. Many people in government have talked about how they were treated by the TSA and they have tried to end the unconstitutional searches but Obama threatens to close all airports in a state if that state tries to force the TSA to follow the constitution.

Owner of abandoned house?

The Land Register will almost certainly record who owns it. It costs a small fee to check it. As for laws about ownership, the owner of the house still owns it, even if it is abandoned.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Help me decide on my team for Pokemon Pearl?

i think you should give up kadabra,floatzel,gyarados,sneasel,and haunter or do you want to trade il take some all i need is your friend code mine is 2623 4072 9374 won't let me sell my things?

Every time i try and sign up for a seller account on Amazon to sell my things it just says my credit card information can not be validated:( but the information is definitely right. Im using a debit card not a credit card could this be the reason?? Please help:)

What to do about a clingy friend/ Am I over-reacting?

Maybe it's time to not be friends with her anymore. Don't give her anymore advice if she won't take it, it's a waste of your time. Just tell her you are not concerned about her problems when you have more things on your mind, like your medical problems. I don't think she is a good friend and I think you should cut her loose.

Reasons to not believe in a God?

I've been doubting my religion (Christianity) for some time. Is there a God?, Why should i believe in something I can't see. Why should I abandon faith?. Why do I think there is no God?. Why do you believe or not believe?

How scary & creepy is this? Is this how bad society is changing? Your thoughts & story inside.?

According to todays world who are you to question what is moral or proper.If you condem some one because they practice sex other than what you do or don't do you are a hate monger.If sex speads desease and you condem or expose that act then you are a hate monger. So stop the hate!

I have a robin's nest in my tree with four baby robins in it... and a lot of questions.?

I saw four eggs, and then four babys. This momma has been taking care of them for a week or so now. One of the babies fell out last night or this morning, and I carefully put on a hypo-allergenic plastic glove that's never been touched before and put the little guy back in there and left it alone. I am concerned that this will happen again though, and was wondering if anyone had an idea of a good way to re-enforce it. I was thinking of maybe putting a very shallow cardboard box underneath it to kind of catch the babies if they fell, I've read several places that robins wont abandon their babies because of smell, so I'm not worried about my touching the one, I'm just concerned that if I upset it too much she wont come back. I really want these birds to live, they are such a joy to watch, but there are many children and dogs around and I don't want them to hurt or kill the little birds if they fall, and I certainly don't want the fall to kill them either... any suggestions?

CHristiands, do you understand that finding a village does not in any way prove god or Jesus was there ?

These things only validate that the writer knew of wrecked Tell called Jericho for instance, not that he blew it over with a trumpet nor that god told how to do that, DO you see the point here?

Why do liberals promote themselves as "progressive" when they ....?

....practice reverse Darwinism by electing a body politic that legislates increased dependence on someone elses tax dollar funding? Exactly what are they "progressing"?

Do you prefer fair tax, flat tax, or the IRS income tax system we now have in place?

FairTax, with the caveat of making its tax rate 15% instead of the proposed 23%. The current system is just a political tool used to trade favors and buy votes, and a flat income tax is still an income tax. As a consumption tax, the FairTax would not essentially punish people just for earning more money.

Do you agree to this?

The reply by the MP is absolutely correct. This Archbishop should keep his unwanted public remarks to himself and concentrate more on his dwindling followers.

How do I get legal custody of a dog that has been at my house for over a month?

I've been taking care of this dog which racks up some pretty expensive care taking. Shes been abandoned for 30 days which I think plays a role for federal laws. If it wasn't for the fact that we want to register her with a vet (unlike previous owner), we would leave things as is.

Why are americans so obsessed with guns?

Solidus said, "I don't think anyone but law enforcement should be 'allowed' to carry guns, that is part of why they have a job, to protect people." Have any of you who think only law enforcement officers should be allowed to have guns read ANY news stories recently about hundreds of cities across the country laying off cops because they don't have the money to pay them? So if only cops should be "allowed" to carry guns, but there are no cops, will criminals just leave those people without guns alone? What planet are you living on?

Conservatives, if we want to be taken seriously about freedom will we need to stop making laws which attempt?

I can't think of a single recent law proposed by a conservative that does this. This is a liberal boondoggle..

Is this guy lying to me?

so i recently got hurt by my ex 6 months ago really bad. Very traumatic for me cheated on me all 4 years we were together. so i recently started dating this wonderful guy for a month and a half. Im a bartender at a strip club and he comes in to c me sometimes. so last week i got really upset cuz i saw him talking to one of our prettier dancers (im more attractive than her by the way) and it looked like he took her number. He says he was just texting and she confirmed that she didnt give the number. so a week goes by and i havent seen him much cuz he says hes busy with work. i believed him and just told myself to stop acting so psycho and didnt think hed hurt me knowing what ive been through. so the other night my friend at work told me that she heard a rumor that that dancer is sleeping with my guy. I texted the girl and asked her and she said shes not. I decided to not even ask him about it i dont want to look psycho to him. so tonite he texted me asking me why i was harrassing Eva and why i just didnt ask him. he said he just left my work and two girls came up to him and told him everything that i had asked eva. So to validate his story i called the bartender who is my friend that was working. she said if he was in there she didnt see him and there were only 3 girls working and none of them talked to him. I am desperate to believe that hes not screwing me over but it looks like it. He wants to c me tomorrow should i just break it off before i get hurt?

Do you consider the Kitzmiller v. Dover decision a victory of separation of Church & State or travesty that...?

It was very telling that the deception used by creationists was exposed during the trial: that Behe had not read the majority of the authors and papers that he was disagreeing with, that the standard creationist textbook was simply copy-pasted with selective editing in an effort to get around existing law and jurisprudence, and that the evolutionary scientists could and in fact did answer the objections that creationists insisted were insuperable.

Is this permissible (salah)?

You know that by wearing such t shirts you are doing wrong for you ask this question. Simple don't wear them!

If we aren't supposed to legislate morality, then why are there laws against murder, rape, and theft?

Because laws are supposed to protect rights, including the rights to life, personal safety, and property.

Christians, do you think God Almighty is as short sighted as humans?

If you see my questions you can noticed i have MANY questions about Islam. Your curius about Christianity and about Islam

France's ban on Islamic veils has caused some controversy, but why is there no controversy over Saudi customs?

Foreign non-Muslim women in Saudi are required to wear at least a headscarf, and in some areas must wear a full veil. Surely this is a much more serious infringement of personal liberty, yet the people screaming about human rights abuse in relation to France's ban say nothing about the dire human rights record of strictly Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia. The bottom line is this; France is not a Muslim nation, and they may legislate against garments they find offensive, just as lawmakers in Saudi do.

Can I finish school in US?

Okay so I'm about to start 9th grade in Aruba, and I was wondering if I could finish school in the US without having any problems? I've never stayed back and I have good grades, would all the years I've done here be validated or would I have to repeat more than a year?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Muslims, you think Christianity is false? How about?

You need to do your homework. Roman Catholicism (a cult) which was started began the Emperor Roman Constantine was put in place to help thwart true Christianity. The original Christians were in no way, shape, or form... Roman Catholics. Also history and archaeological evidence does support the Bible. The wisdom of the Bible is in sync with the Truth. The Bible isn't based on everyone's interpretation, only if someone is interpreting it out of context. If you want some sources I would be glad to send them to you.

Why is France legislating thought and belief besides the sham of security? Liberal mentality?

While I'm also against this ban, I find it hypocritical that the same people ridiculing France for this are the same ones that are constantly in an uproar about the imagined possibility that Obama could be Muslim or that America is being taken over by Islam...

Why do so many Americans elect these corrupt Republicans into office?

I think your talking points are false, but whatever. 77% of the US is Christian and only blue dog democrats care about that torch. Only 20% of the US identifies themselves as liberal, and it's been that way for decades. So you have an uphill battle every election. I won't argue all your points but suffice to say that 50% of citizens pay no taxes beyond sales tax and people making less than $100k generally don't hire employees.

U.S. Government True or False?

True or False: The article of the Constitution defines the legislative branch and vests power to legislate in the Congress of the United States.

Is it inapropriate, for govenment, to legislate against, strike action, about job loss and cost cutting?

My veiw to cutting costs, sack half the govenment, half all the councils, take all asylum seekers and ilegal immigrants out of our housing, remove Tesco, Sainsburys Asda, Aldi,Lydl and Netto, who only create cheap labour, and destroy the small shops surrounding their borders. creating unemployment.

Please tell me life gets better than this?

i live in a small town. Dead dad, sick mom, my friends all abandoned me when my dad died. My boyfriend asked me why I cried when he died. I lost myself and who I was. I did things I never would of. Things that everyone else was doing that seemed okay. When I did them though I was looked at like a bad person even though no one recoginzed that everyone else was doing it around them; they only blamed me. To the point I didnt want to be here any more. And all they said was to pull the trigger. Everyone hates me. The people who dont realize my mistakes are forgivable. I tried so hard not to be hurt and I tired so hard to be a better person but I cant. I dont know where I lost my self and I just want to know theres better people out there?

I need help on taking care of an abandoned bird egg!?

So a nest was raided and 2 baby blue eggs were left behind on the ground. I need advice on how to care for the egg and what to feed the chick when it hatches! Please help. (:

Where would you find abandoned storage lockers for sale?

And how would you get in to bidding for them? Wild u have to sign anything,age limit, or such. Any info helps.

Does anyone else think two people should kiss before agreeing to date each other?

Every relationship has it's own pace. If you kiss someone too soon without getting to know them it could ruin any future with this person. People should focus on getting to know each other as friends first before jumping into physical pleasure and caring about if there is physical chemistry or not. All you seem to care about is if you have sexual chemistry with who you date, not real chemistry.

Theoretically speaking how much faster would science progress if we abandoned all morals and ethics ?

How much faster would science progress if we put all of our resources into scientific research and abolished all human rights to allow for better testing ?

I want to start running to improve my fitness but I am embarrassed.?

Im the same exact way, i just started back doing it and i was completely embarassed. I wouldnt advise the back road since your a girl, as sad as that is to say. But if you do, most definitely take a knife with you because you never know what could happen. If you go on the highway just blast your music so you cant hear people passing by because people can be mean. But people arent going to do anything to make you feel embarassed because theyll just think ok another person running in the street whatever and not think twice about it.

Why do Liberals support trickle up?

I think liberals are generally skeptical of "trickle down" economics because they are doubtful that much money actually trickles down from the rich to the middle class. However, they point out that with "trickle up" economics the poor and middle-class will use that money to make necessary purchases and that money will then trickle up to the corporations and the rich. There may be something to that but I don't pretend to be an expert in these things (and generally think anyone who does is lying) so I can't say for sure.

So what makes christianity right but all other faiths wrong?

Actually Christians are supposed to be SUPPORTIVE of other faiths, but not believe in them. The thing with most Christians is that they are completely full of themselves and their faith. Half of them don't even follow it right to be honest. Trust me. I've been put through 10 years of catholic school.

If we demonize corporations and CEOs what is the alternative offered by the Democrats?

The Democrats Party line is "say" your against big business, say you for gay marriage, say your for this, and say your against that. They had two years with an overwhelming majority to do something, they did nothing, they were in a coma for two years with all the power. The democrats are imposters, holding office for no other reason but to hold office. They had two years and even before that they had a veto over-ride position on Bush for two years. Yet they did nothing to big business, big oil, or any other policy they now say is paramount.

Why do feminists say "men don't do enough work around the house!"?

We have legitimate complaints. A lot of men don't like doing housework, but you know what? Too bad. When I get married one day, my husband can expect to do AT LEAST half the housework, probably more.

Is it ok to take small pieces of railroad rail left from railroad work that has been sitting their for awhile?

There are a couple of railroad rails that are no more then a foot long by railroad tracks that were worked over a year ago. Is it legal to take these small pieces? I think they would fall under abandoned goods.

My niece is 13 and she is really unpopular at school. What should I do?

I guess tell her to straighten up, and tell her that half the problem of her being Bullied is most of her fault.

Does this sentence have proper punctuation?

I believe that "hate speech" is subjective; it can be interpreted by people in different ways; therefore, it is not imperative to legislate against it.

Christians: do you feel that trying to impose your beliefs into legislation is no different than?

Look at my State of Utah in the USA. The Mormons run this place . . . it's really not too bad but it sure as Hell ain't free! Here you do it like the Mormons want or your political *** is grass! It's much like the power of religion in the Middle East. Nonetheless, they don't kill you in Utah for not following the anointed ones . . . but you are constantly reminded that your views are wrong and not wanted and your kids don't play with their kids!

Being a surrogate mother to wild animals?

vet would need to make a good environment and have a husband as dedicated as you are to animals.

Is Wiener really trying to protect his wife over this tweeter hacking matter or?

Now he does seem somewhat believable after his last CNN interview, but not so sure. what now has to happen to validate and where will this go from here?