Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do Prop 8 supporters think it's ok to violate the U.S. constitution just because the majority votes do to so?

Violate what rights in the US Constitution? Where does it say gays can get married or where does it define gay. The word gay did not exist at the writing of the US constitution. Where does it even infer gay marriage. The constitution spells out rights and the rest is state rights or the belong to the people. States have control over marriage regardless of your Hollywood puppet judges including the illegal ruling on abortion. Clearly the KJV bible, the foundation of the English language as the first printed German bible was to the German language, defines marriage and when life begins. You can not change the definitions of words at the time of the constitution writing without a constitutional amendment. The constitution is a contract between the US people and it's government which the Hollywood puppet judges have violated so our contract is voided with the US government.

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