Monday, July 18, 2011

How do I get my abusive boyfriend to leave?

My fiance' and I are both 19 years old and have been together 2 years we also have a 14 month old daughter together . I love him with all my heart, but he is so jealous. he accuses me of sleeping with every guy in the room. Not only that, he used to slap me around so badly that my face would be swollen for like a week. my mom was going to press charges on him but I begged and pleaded with her not to and she agree but only on the grounds that he is to never show his face around me or my baby again. a couple of weeks ago we got back together (he wasnt accusing me or hitting me anymore) and everything was fine. Until he came home one day angry and accused me of sleeping with the next door neighbor (a 75 year old man) he went mad and beat me up pretty badly infront of my daughter(that was the last straw). The thing is, now I am ready to finally leave him but I dont want to send him to jail and he wont leave my house. My mom doesnt know that I took him back, she said that if I ever took him back, that I deserve whatever he gives me and she will take my daughter away from me. I've asked him to leave but he gives me some sob story about his family abandoning him, he wants to be with his daughter, and that I'm the only one who loves him. I would hate to involve the police, so How do I get him to leave peacefully?

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