Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Whats a good age to move out?

Im 19 years old right now, and I wanna move out. Not because I wanna do bad stuff but its more cuz I just want to be able to do what I want. I live with my mom my uncle my two older brothers and sister. Me and my sister are like best friends and we wanna get a place together. Shes 22. BUt she wants to move out more then anyone. My mom drives her crazy. And dont get me wrong, I love my mom but sometimes I want to just go throught out the day with out being nagged and clean whenever I want to. I dont want to have to hear her screaming my name or to be forced to clean the bathroom when I wake up. I just want to be left alone! she is freaking bi polar too! she'll yell at us and say id wish u guys would move out so i dont have to deal with u anymore and then she'll be like Well why do u have to move out? u guys want to abandon me dont you?! I knew it! u guys are gonna dump me at an old peoples house! blah blah! shes always reminding us of the bad things we do and claiming we dont love her. I mean she clearly forgets all the good things we do for her. Not to mention, I cannot stand my unlcle. I dont no whats wrong with him but he is soooo annoying! he acts like a little kid! im constantly arguing with him cuz of the stupid **** he does!~ and my older brother whos 25 is just the same. My 20 year old brother is more mature then them put together. he also wants to move out. I guess I want to move out cuz I cant stand living with them. I was thinking maybe next year when i turn 20 I can move out. Is that a good age to leave my house. I'll visit of course and we arent leaving the state just to a different apartment. What shoudl I do? its come to the point where I'd rather be at work then at home with them.

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